Saturday, January 21, 2006


Well it turns out Scott is alive and well, and probably tan. He was in Mexico. We should be able to resume our Friday morning runs next week.

I ended up running 6 miles last night instead of 7, no big deal. I had forgotten how dangerous running during rush hour can be. When you combine the traffic with the darkness, all while the snow that melted during the day is re-freezeing into ice, it can make for a tricky run. No casualties, but I had to be more cautious than usual.

Coming at the end of a long week, I thought today's long run might be a struggle. However, it was much easier than I thought. My legs felt really good and I wasn't psyched out about the duration or the distance. I just laced up my shoes and put the time in.

During the run there were 3 different sections where I was able to check my pace. From miles 3.5 to 5, I was right at 8 minute pace. I was a little surprised because I don't normally run that fast, especially during a long run. Then from miles 7 to 10 I was just a shade over 8 minute pace. I was thinking about picking up the pace from 14 to 18, however the first 3 miles of that stretch turned out to be into a moderate wind. Even with the wind I was able to run 8:05 pace. Still feeling pretty good I decided to add on another mile and finishing the day with 19 miles. That gave me a new all-time high of 95 miles for the week.

Now I'm sure you wouldn't think someone who'd be happy to run 6:40 pace for the marathon would be excited about running 8:00-8:05 pace for a 19 mile run, but I am. That's probably 10-15 seconds faster per mile than I normally run my long runs. More importantly, it felt very controlled. It seemed like I was just turning my legs over quicker without any affect on my breathing whatsoever. Plus, I'm pleased with how my legs felt as I bumped my weekly high from 88 to 95.


  1. Hey Zeke,

    Congrats on the mileage. Been reading your posts of late with interest, as I'm currently pushing my limits on mileage (mid 80 mpw) as well.

    Your observations have helped me get some perspective on this craziness.

  2. Seebo, glad I can shed some light, just like Mike did for me with his blog. It nice that our blogs are a way to gain motivation and insight from others who are going through the exact same things we are.

  3. 95, great work. Just wait until the weather improves and those 8 minute miles will be 7:40's.

  4. Thanks Massoman and Mike. Mike it's winter in Minnesota - if you keep hoping for warmer weather, it would be unbearable. This morning it was 20 degrees colder than it's been since before Christmas.
