Saturday, December 03, 2005


It's out! This blog has been let out of the closet. My life is so boring that the only thing I could think to write about in our Christmas letter was my blog. I included a link too, so now I expect tons of comments telling me how great (or how big of an ass) I am.

Actually, most of the people will probably check out the link once. They'll find out that it is really only about running and they'll never check back again. That's fine with me. I just thought I'd throw it out there for friends and family to check out.

I guess I haven't been watching the weather lately. It's been snowing quite a bit lately (like all day today) and I haven't heard anything about it. I guess when you go to bed at 9, it's hard to follow any news.

I decided to head back to the trails for at least a 10 mile run today. We probably received about 4 inches of new snow by the time I ran. It was the light fluffy kind that makes running in it easy. Plus, being on the trails helps because the trees catch some of the snow, so there's not as much to run through.

I was a little surprised that the classical cross country ski trails had not be groomed yet. There were a few cross-country skiers out blazing their own trails. I almost felt bad about running on their path. Had it been groomed I probably would not have run on that part of the trail. This part of the trail was harder running than I had anticipated, even with Yaktrax.

I felt pretty good, no different than any other day this week, even though I went 2 hours yesterday. I managed to get in 12 miles for the day. That gave me a very solid 78 miles for the week on 7 runs. Having 4 vacation days this week has definitely helped with the running. Next week may be a different story, as I head back to work.

Speaking of Christmas cards, here's the photo we sent out this year. Maybe we should have waited until this week to take the photo because we could have had the girls in snow instead of leaves. Oh well, maybe we'll wait longer next year.