Tuesday, December 20, 2005


There’s nothing like getting up at 5:30 on your day off to go for a run. Luckily I have “fast” friends that are retired (Jim and Eric) or PhD students (Evan) and are able to run at “odd” hours. We met at Jim’s house at 6:45 for a great 90 minute run. It heated up to about 10 degrees this morning, which felt really warm after yesterday’s run. The only bad thing; after clearing my log book of my “floating” half mile last week, I introduced another one today with this 11.5 mile run.

After the run I went in for another chiropractic checkup. The good news is I held my last adjustment. She said that means my body is healing. She also said I should start to feel more energy as my body won’t have to work against gravity to keep things in line. That could be true or it could be hog wash. We’ll see…

Our new treadmill arrived today. It one of those things that’s nice to have, but I hope I don’t have to use it. The display is bigger than the old one, so I had to raise up our TV. I put an old TV stand on top of an old stereo cabinet. It looks really tacky, but it works perfectly.

One of the reasons I took today off was because Kinsey’s preschool class had their Christmas concert this afternoon. It was fun to watch (and video tape). Best of all it was about 10 minutes long.

This evening I went skiing at Como Golf Course in St. Paul with my training group. Not everyone skis, so it was a pretty small group. I liked skiing on this course because there were lots of flat sections where I could work on my technique, the hills weren’t huge and I didn’t have to worry about running into a tree. After skiing for about 90 minutes I really felt sorry for people that don’t have winter. How can you not love skiing, skating, sliding, snowshoeing, etc.?

That reminds me; I was surprised the other day when Kinsey mentioned going skating again. I think next time I’ll wear my Yaktrax instead of my skates. That’ll give me better balance, plus I’ll be shorter and closer to her. And I’ll bring a chair for her to use for balance.


  1. You wrote, “After skiing for about 90 minutes I really felt sorry for people that don’t have winter. How can you not love skiing, skating, sliding, snowshoeing, etc.?”

    I feel the same way whenever I go to the beach. I often feel sorry for the people who live in the middle of the country. I guess there are positives and negatives no matter where you live.

  2. Bart, the beach doesn't "do it" for me. But I'm sure there are people the feel the same way about water sports as I do about snow sports.

    As for the negatives, I didn't mention winter lasting 6 months, week-long stretches of -20 degree temps, the 2 hour commutes when it flurries, etc.
