Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Before going to bed Sunday night I set my alarm for 4:40. Thinking I’d try to get in 10 miles before work – the day after I got a cold. Ha, that was wishful thinking!!! Sometime in the night I reset my alarm for 5:20 and managed to get in 5 very easy miles. Not spectacular but it was good to be out running. As usual, when I have a cold, being out running was the best I felt all day.

Last night all I kept hearing was “snow is coming.” Fearing the “worst” I laid out a heavier jacket, hat and gloves for this morning’s run. When I turned on the TV this morning the first thing I saw was Operation Winter: Are you ready? Then I looked in the lower right hand corner of the screen and saw that it was 37 degrees outside. It’s too dark to go back upstairs and find my other clothes. So I venture out, knowing I’m going to be overdressed. I managed to get in 7 miles with the last 6 in 51:21 (26:05/25:16). I thought I was “moving” pretty good during the 2nd half, but apparently not. That makes me want to leave my watch at home all winter.

Can someone tell me why the “word verification” for comments is 14 letters long, wavy and italicized? If we’re just trying to keep out automated spam messages, couldn’t it just be an easy-to-read, 3-letter field? Half the time I spend more time typing and re-typing this field than I do posting my comments.


  1. I keep forgetting other people have winter. Yours and Andrew's blogs remind me of how lucky I am to be training in Tucson for the winter. When it's 100 degrees in May I might not be as thrilled to be here. Good job getting a run in, even if it was a little shorter than planned.

  2. How about I bring my family down there for the winter and then you bring your family here for the summer?

  3. lol @ word verification. my personal pet peeve is when they squeeze in a bunch of v's and w's together so you can't tell if it's vwvv or vvwv or wwv...

  4. I agree with the Vs and Ws, Danny. At least if you type it wrong, they don't erase your comment.
