Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I finally got my pictures back from the Guidant 10k and the Twin Cities 10 miler and marathon. They’re all shit. They’re either fuzzy or the runners are too far away. So, Alison, who takes photos for the New York Road Runners and such sites as fast-women and men’s racing has nothing to worry about.

We have a fairly nice camera, a Cannon Rebel. I think part of the problem (other than having no training what-so-ever) is that I tried to be a fan and take pictures at the same time. I think I half-assed both endeavors. Plus, I only had 200 speed film in the camera. That can’t be good for action photos, right?

Nothing exciting going on with my running today. I limited myself to two days off in a row and managed 6 miles this morning.

I don’t talk much about non-running stuff here, but Neil Young has a new album out. I’m a huge Neil Young fan, so it didn’t take much to convince me to buy it, although Will’s short, but sweet review didn’t hurt.


  1. Need at least 400 ASA,
    800 ASA is perfect!
    Anything below 400 ASA- will be blury!

  2. Hey Zeke! Thanks for the note on my blog!

    {I loved Neil Young when I was a young (no pun intended) - I heard about the new cd.....let me know what you think when you get it.
