Sunday, October 09, 2005


Well, the way “everyone” PR’d at Chicago has me considering running it next year. There are quite a few bloggers who raced and I won't link to all their report. However, two bloggers performances that stand out to me are Yvonne’s 8 minute PR and The Thinking Runner’s sub-3. The top performance I came across actually goes to a non-blogger, Jen. 4 weeks ago Jen finished her first Ironman in a very respectable 12:37. Sunday she ran a 3:11 to PR by 6 minutes. That’s absolutely mind-boggling to me. Maybe I’d better start doing triathlons again if they'll help my running that much.

I didn’t mention this yesterday, but my left knee was bothering me a little during my track workout. Last night it was still bothering me as I walked around the house. Just to be safe, I took today off.


  1. Seriously, you should do it! It's even later in October next year, so it's bound to be cool (if that means as much to you as it does to me!). Altho you do run the risk of strong winds there. And you'd get a preferred/competitive(?) start, which is EXCELLENT! It only took me 1 min to cross the start line. Except for some water stations, not too crowded along the way. Go for it!

  2. What's the date next year? The 15th? If so, that's interesting because TCM is the 1st, making them 2 weeks apart. I read something that TCM is always the 1st Sunday in Oct so they don't interfer with Chicago.

    Hmm, no I have to decide between TCM, Chicago and Philly.

    What's next for you?

  3. I think it's the 22nd actually. Strangely. Can't really say yet what's next for me. I have other areas of my life that may seriously interfere with the running ;o) But we'll see...

  4. Hmm, good luck with that. If you're talking about what I think, have you heard Chelle's theory on that?

    Also, I was meaning to ask if you were at all upset with not dipping under 3:30? I know if I had run 3:00:15, it'd have been a little heart-broken.
