Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I stayed up way too late (10:45) last night watching that awesome Twins’ game, setting up my fantasy football league and figuring out how to post those farmer’s market photos. I tried to sleep-in this morning, however I was awake at 5:20 and couldn’t fall back to sleep. I decided to get up and get in my 5 mile run before work.

About 5 minutes into the run, a guy merged onto the trail about 15 seconds in front of me. He looked like he was moving pretty well and had a nice stride. Now, I really don’t care how “fast” I look when I run, especially in training, but it was nice to run a fairly easy pace while maintaining that 15 second gap. I figured maybe I don’t look as slow as I feel most days.

I ran the first half in exactly 20 minutes. During the second half I threw in five 20-second strides. I was a little surprised to see I ran the second half in 18:30. Granted the pace is much quicker for those 5 strides, but I also slow down a little after in order to recover. I guess the main thing is that I’ve been feeling really good lately. Tomorrow night I’m going to hit the track for my first set of 800s this season.

I have a question for other bloggers. Do you get these “Spam Comments” on your site? For example; “I just love your site, check out mine on [insert totally unrelated topic here].” I’m in the junk mail industry, so I know direct marketing. Response rates are already low for people that WANT our catalogs. What are the response rates for unwanted e-mails, telemarketing and “spam comments”?


  1. When I worked for a catalog retailer, one of the managers held a meeting in which the whole conference table was covered with catalogs. He said, "This is how many catalogs we have to mail to get one sale." That was mailing to a customer base. The prospect base performed worse. Spammers have to be far worse than even that. Problem is, though, they aren't mailing a 200-pg book through USPS. It's so cheap to do so little . . . other than annoy.

  2. You're right, their costs are next to nothing.

    Are you heading to Buckshot or still trying to recover from Knuthfest?

  3. Hey Will, I was going to write a post and link your "The Invisible Audience" post but I couldn't figure out how to do it. It doesn't seem like your post have individual html addresses, at least not until they're archived. Is that correct?

  4. Looks like I'll have to work the day of Buckshot. I went and blew all my vacation early this year. I know they give me two weeks -- at least that's what they tell me -- but it feels like four days.

    Didn't make it to KFest4, unfortunately. Ran into a bit of a health problem the day I was supposed to drive over.

    You should be able to right-click on the # sign at the bottom of the post next where it says "posted by Will". Then select "Copy Link Location". It shouldn't have to be archived.
