Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I'm feeling A LOT better. I spent 55 minutes pool-running last night. If there's a more boring cross-training exercise, I haven't found it. After warming up I did 10 x 3 minutes hard with 1 minute rest. It was really hard to get my HR up during the first few reps, so my coach suggested cupping my hands more to create more resistance. Before leaving, I swam 2 laps for the hell of it. It wasn't as bad as I remembered. When I got home I took Bailey for a walk. I felt really good and decided to run for 5 minutes. I didn't have any pain.

This morning I spent 10 minutes each on the elliptical, bike and treadmill. Again, no pain. I'm just going through that uncoordinated-phase that occurs after taking time off. My legs felt really heavy and I just felt awkward, in general.

Now Mary is having problems with her hip/pelvis area. Jenna is in chiropractic school, so she went to her clinic for some ultra-sound. She’s a little bummed, so I told her to keep in mind that she’s not going to lose 18 weeks of fitness within a week. I also mentioned that Matt and I were talking about people getting injured or sick a week or two before a big race then coming back to PR. I remember getting some tendonitis the week of our big home x-c meet. I ended up missing 3-4 days at the beginning of the week. But on race day I felt great because I was so rested and I went on to PR. Let’s hope that’s the case this time around too.


  1. Stressful reading! I ran with Alison this morning and we were talking about the race and she said, "You do know that Zeke's been worried about an injury, don't you?" Yikes. I'm very glad to hear that it seems to be resolving itself. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

  2. It's nice to know you guys care. :)

    I hope things settle down for you over the next 10 days.
