Thursday, April 07, 2005


Well, almost back to normal. I had 2 runs planned for today, an easy 4-5 and 11 with the middle 8 “at pace.” Seeing how running at lunch worked out so well yesterday, I decided to do that again today. That gave me the chance to sleep in another hour. I didn’t feel very good during my easy 5, but I was determined to at least try and run tonight. Worst case scenario I’d get in another easy 5. Maybe my morning run loosened me up or maybe I’m just getting over this cold. In any case, as soon as I hopped on the treadmill I felt pretty good. After 2 miles I started dropping the pace gradually after every mile and ended up doing the next 6 miles in just over 42 minutes. Now I’m almost certain my treadmill is not calibrated correctly. I did the last mile at 6:40 pace and felt very controlled. That just doesn’t seem right, given this cold. I cooled down another 2 miles and was able to get in 10 for a daily total of 15.

I spent the early miles watch Survivor tonight. Anyone see the final immunity challenge between Stephanie and Bobby John where they had to make fire? I think Stephanie won because she piled up the kindling and then put her coconut husks on top of that. Therefore, her flame was that much closer to her torch. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

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