Sunday, April 10, 2005


So I got back from my 20 miler yesterday and had an urgent message from my friend Scott. He was going baby jogger shopping and he wanted to know what to look for. I’m no expert but I gave him some advice. He was fired up, like “going to purchase one that day” fired up. I was glad to hear that. We ran in college together and have trained together 1-2 times per week during our marathon build-ups. He has about a 2:56 PR, but running has taken a back seat since his first child was born last July. I tried to encourage him to get out and run as much as possible because we all know it’s easier to STAY in shape than it is to GET in shape. So hopefully he’s done enough running that he’ll be able to crank it up if he wants to. Plus he’s mentioned some interest in being coached too, so maybe I can convince him to join the team. Then we could go after sub-2:50 together next year.

Speaking of baby joggers, my daughter wanted to run with me again today. I love that she wants to go with me, but I’m also torn because Sunday’s are the only day I can run the awesome trails near my house. Oh well, the trails will have to wait. I ended up pushing her for 80 minutes, then running with the dog for another 10 minutes. I called that 11 miles even though I wasn’t going 8:00-8:15 pace. The effort was there – especially the day after a 20 miler.

I need to do a better job of eating and hydrating on the weekends. For example, today I had eggs and cinnamon rolls with coffee this morning. Then I decided to go for my run at lunch time without eating anything. I chugged a glass of water before leaving and brought a water bottle with me. By the time I got home I was starving so I ate everything I could find – most of it wasn’t the healthiest food around.

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