Monday, October 20, 2008


First run back on Saturday and my knee is already sore. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone from 0 to 10 miles. Maybe it’s the extra 6-8 pounds I gained. I’ll blame the apple cobbler and ice cream.

I was hoping to go for a bike ride yesterday because it was so nice out, but I ended up doing a bunch of yard work during the day. Instead, I biked indoors for an hour and then did my first Core Performance workout. I thought I’d be sore today, but I’m not – I’m sure it will come tomorrow.

Since TCM I’ve been on a recipe/cookbook kick. I spent a few hours at the bookstore looking for cookbooks but got so overwhelmed at the selection that I left empty handed. I figured I have enough cookbooks at home that I don’t use – maybe I should just start using them.

A couple of years ago I had a great squash lasagna at a dinner party and I’ve been looking for a similar recipe ever since. I tried Deena’s Pumpkin Lasagna recipe from this cookbook, substituting squash for pumpkin. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out very well. Anyone else try this recipe?

The problem with my cooking is that no one else in the family is very adventurous, so we usually end up cooking two meals – mine and a backup. Saturday I went to the farmer’s market and bought some things I’ve never cooked before, like eggplant and spaghetti squash. We’ll see what happens.

Last week I missed Team USA Minnesota’s Mike Hanlon’s introductory journal entry.

Quote of the day;

“Rest on Sundays altogether. You will certainly feel strongly inclined for the lazyoff, and certainly will not suffer thereby.” – Alf Shrubb

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