Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Yesterday I mentioned the World X-C Champions in Kenya. I forgot to ask if anyone else thinks it’s weird that this meet was run on a golf course – in Kenya? That juxtaposition just seems very odd to me.

I ran 6 miles yesterday morning and threw in some strides. I was supposed to run another 4 in the evening, but my wife wanted me to help with a resume and cover letter for a gal that’s interning for her. I wish I could just take a quick peek and say it looks okay, but I can’t. I ended up spending 45 minutes revising a 2-page resume down to 1-page.

Then I was going to get up this morning to make up for those “lost” miles, before running hard tonight. Well, staying up to 10:30, watching a mediocre championship game, didn’t help matters. I slept in. So 2.5 days into April and I’ve run 6 miles. No worries though. I’ll run hard tonight, medium-long on Thursday and long Saturday.

Just when I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever post another interview (not really), this interview arrived in my in-box. Thanks to Patrick for helping me get in touch with this runner. I’ll keep this post short, so you can spend your time reading it instead.

Quote of the day;

“I’ve told myself in the past that if I ever broke four, I was going to stop running. I guess I’ll probably reconsider now, but it has definitely been one of my biggest goals up to this point.” - Garrett Heath


  1. Hey Chad, are you interested in a run on Thursday morning? I'll be in town, and staying near where I stayed last year (Country Inn and Suites in Bloomington across from MOA). Let me know, no big deal if it doesn't work with your schedule. You can email me or reply back here.

  2. Well, I have 14 planned so I'll be starting around 5 AM. Not sure if that works for you or not.

  3. Running 14 would be fine, but getting together by 5 am would be challenging, especially since I have to get to Hudson by 9:00. I'll probably just run the trails where we ran last year.
