Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I had a nice group workout tonight. The size of the group was pretty decent, however most people either raced yesterday, are racing this weekend, or their season is over. I ended up running with Roger, who’s training for a fall marathon in California. We met at Macalester College and started out by running down Summit Avenue towards downtown St. Paul before heading back to the Macalester track. After a 2 mile warm-up we did 3 x 5:00 with 2:30 jog in between. The pace during these pickups was a little faster than a tempo pace. We weren’t going all-out. Once back on the track, we did 3 x 1600 in (5:55, 5:59 and 5:55) with 2:30 jog after the first and 3:20 rest after the second.

Overall I felt really good. I’m trying to build on the confidence and mental energy that finally seems to be coming around. During the 1600 repeats I really focused on staying relaxed and positive. Coach even mentioned how good my form looked. That was cool. I’m also trying to do more of the “little things” like stretching, lifting, core strengthening, relaxation exercises and watching what I eat.

That brings me to the whole “chicken and the egg” issue. Am I running better because I’m doing all these things or am I doing all these things because I’m running better? Has my confidence increased because I’m racing faster or am I racing faster because my confidence has increased? Usually I’d say I do all the little things and my racing improves, however, this year I think it’s the opposite. My last race was a huge improvement and I began to think about salvaging this season. As a result, I started to pay attention to the “little things.”


  1. i have been keeping my eye out for green shorts girl but i haven't seen her again. wow. heh.

  2. The little things are important, but don't let them overtake you. I am horrible about things such as getting enough liquids, stretching, warming up properly, etc. I am the epitome of 'run by feel' and it seems to have worked well for me.

    Having said that, I am trying harder to do the little things b/c I know they will help me. I think that this is the approach you seem to be taking currently, but it's probably not what you're used to, hence your confusion. My advice is - Go with the flow.

    Btw, I did finally register for Lakefront, and if I get through the next 3+ weeks and taper properly, will be rather excited about my prospects, given the things I can control. Take care...

  3. Ha. You'd have to read Brent's blog and my comment to understand "green shorts girl."

    Peter, I'm just trying to cut out some of the snacking in order to lose a few pounds and adding some relaxation exercises before bed. Things I've done in the past with success.

    Sure your routine may "work well" but that doesn't mean that adding ancillary training won't "work better." However, Double doesn't do any thing other than run (and blood dope) and he seems to be doing fine.

    Glad you finally registered. You'd have been pissed if you did all the training then didn't get into the race.

  4. Hey bud, I'm cutting back on that...and I fish 2-3 days a week so I have that going for me.
